Under control of nonconforming product 8.3
The organization must engage in all those activities (procedures) in order to management of non-conforming products.
“Quality can not be” an ‘addition’ to the final product / service ….. …. but must be built continuously during the process of production / distribution … ”
The procedure must indicate the method of keeping in check the product / service does not comply and determine who will be the award of the assignment to its management by implementing one of the following actions:
corrective actions aimed at the elimination of non-compliance
product management in derogation (written agreement with the client)
take specific actions in the event that the product does not comply within the client.
As a result of the corrective action taken before the product will be put on the market following a qualification process to ensure conformity of the product and the manager responsible for the processes that gave rise to the non-compliance, should ensure that they are applied without delays, actions corrective essential to remove the non-compliance highlighted and their origins.
For the sake of clarification we must remember that it is IMPOSSIBLE to correct non-compliance that are to occur during the provision of a service to the customer.
Records shall be maintained (see section 4.2.4) the nature of the non-compliance and any subsequent action taken, including any concessions obtained.
“Quality is compliance with the requirements”
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