UNI EN ISO 8015 2011-06-23 Geometric Tolerance
The norm EN ISO 8015 is the accredited elaboration in the English language. The norm defines the fundamentals, the principles and the precepts conform to the standard for the construction, the interpretation and the application of all international standards, technical specifications and reports related to the dimensional and geometric specifications and testing of the products.
The standard is used for a correct interpretation of the GPS information on all types of drawings. For the purposes of this International Standard, the term “design” should be interpreted more broadly as possible , which includes the complete package of documentation that provides the specifications of the item.
Designers, technologists of producing process and any person who is interested on a professional level regarding the activities of development ,creation and dimensional control in the production of mechanical parts and measuring devices may therefore find in the UNI EN ISO 8015 norm a very important help.
The exceptions allowed in the new ISO 8015 are particularly interesting since they introduce the concept of interdependence between form and dimension.
“The geometric tolerance is used regardless of the surface or volume of a particular (RFS), beyond the exceptions foreseen for °Maximum Material Condition, Least Material Condition and Envelope”
Translated by Carmela Giordano
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