In every project that has a particular relevance for an organization there are different stakeholders.
These “figures” which at first glance perhaps even the word itself are shrouded in mist, appear less vaporous if we start from their own projects.
Stakeholders are all those who gravitate resources in an organization that actively participate in the project or who participate in an indirect manner while having interest in the realization of the project.
We list some types you “stakeholders”, brought bulls of interest:
Users of the results from the project
Corporate resources who bear the added value in the implementation of the project through skill, experience, talent, labor, receiving a benefit in economic terms
Suppliers according to their participation in the implementation of the project in terms of products / services come together to “their” client to see the final product laluce
Property, Directors and Managers that at the end of the project will allocate the resources released to the creation of new “Visions”
End customers will be those who “judges” of the project come to an end
Between stakeholders, there must be a mutual exchange in a logic Win to Win, exchange of values and shared visions, in short an exchange of values between the organization and stakeholders
“What we really need to learn is that we all have to work within a system. That’s why I say that everybody, every person, every team, every division, every department, every component must not exist for individual gain an advantage or to compete with others, but only to help the entire system with a view win-win ‘
In summary revolve around the organization: customers, investors, corporate resources, suppliers and the communities that will help supported with a careful survey methods and data analysis to so-called “satisfaction driver” customer satisfaction to its increasingly convinced loyalty.
“There is only one supreme head: the customer. The customer can fire everyone in the company, from the president on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else ”
Sam Walton
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