Preventive Actions Corrective Actions
These fall into two types of intervention as provided for in section 8.5 of the standard “Improvement”
Each organization must be structured in order to put in place specific procedures for managing these types of actions in order to prevent or reduce the effects for the future of the causes of non-compliance is attached thereto the system / product / service.
Corrective Actions you are to develop as a result of non-compliance and to prevent its repetition.
You can take corrective action as a result of:
customer complaints
Non-compliance of the material or service or as a result of activities performed in coerenz not in order or specifications related to it.
Management of such action are generally charged to RSGQ that verify its effectiveness.
There may be cases in which we must address the issue of corrective actions in more depth, in which case it will open a specific file.
The Preventive Actions tend to prevent and eliminate any hypothetical causes that can potentially generate non-compliance.
Often these types of actions are born:
Comparison between products / services similar provision already
Following controls the production process / service
Following statistical analysis
In response to specific requests from the client whether client or entity within the organization.
Fundamental result of this specific activity becomes verify the effectiveness on system / product / service of the actions taken.
“In order to take in a revolutionary way on the road to improvement is necessary that the improvement becomes a duty, a part of the daily work, written in the job description of each” Joseph Juran
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