ISO 10001 Customer Satisfaction
Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations
Customer satisfaction is the most important challenge that any organization faces daily.
The application of a certain reference within the organization such as a “code of conduct” may be the path to be undertaken in order to correct monitoring of events that go to urge the organization.
Prevent, treat and resolve to be the three cornerstones of the organization code.
“Zero defects” is nothing more than the habit to prevent non-compliance. Means “doing things right the first time” Philip B Crosby
A good code of conduct must be first of all carefully planned so that it is functional organization to apply for him, it follows, that will follow a careful design, to its proper development in order to be always “forward” to the needs that the customer can demonstrate (maintenance and improvement) in the management of the code.
But what is the engine code of conduct …… always the “resource” of the organization, the resources to be used will be determined by management, through a careful and meticulous forecast, manage the use of resources appropriate to the proper functioning of code of conduct restricting responsibilities, authorities, education and training of these resources.
“If you think education and training costing too expensive, try to see how much it can cost ignorance” Anonymous
The code must be written in plain language, clear and relevant but should not be in any way misleading or generic.
Pivot point for a correct application of the code of conduct by the organization at this point becomes a proper communication both internally and externally (to the customer) are an example:
Code distribution to the customer
Education and training resources
Improvement and resolution of cases in which the code of conduct has not kept its commitments.
Handling of complaints through proper registration.
Measurement of the code through the observations / customer complaints
Distribution of the improvement plan regarding the code itself to an anticipation of possible future customer needs, this action will be generated from the management review.
“Quality is meeting the customer’s needs and exceed their own expectations by continuing to improve” William Edwards Deming
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